Blue Cross Blue Shield child only health insurance is offered by PPO. You may find an affordable option of health coverage specifically designed for children as long as you stick on the PPO Select Basis. Several health insurance providers will require one of the parents to but the coverage if they want to insure their kids. But if use the PPO Select Basis, the premiums you should pay will be based on the age of your kids, not the number of coverage you would purchase. Per child requires one application. And here are the benefits of insuring your children.
Health outcome
A child that has been insured since prenatal shows better health outcomes compared to those who did not get insured since they are kid, especially in African. If you insured your kid since prenatal, there will be programs to prevent hospitalization. The program includes nutritional, endocrine, and metabolic illness along with immune disorder. So, it will be the first thing you should consider before you risk the health of your kid by not purchasing Blue Cross Blue Shield child only health insurance.
Educational outcome
Health of a person especially on child affects the ability of them to learn. If a child has best quality of learning experience, then it most likely that they enjoy good health condition in overall during their childhood when they grow up. It is not something new if research suggests that there are a lot of links between the coverage of health insurance and the outcomes of academic matters.
Economic outcome
In the future, children with good health condition and have better opportunity to learn academically will contribute to the community in greater amount. Yet, they could be more stable in economically saying. So, even if you come from low-income family background, it is important to insure your kids. You can try CHIP or Children’s Health Insurance Program that offers low-cost coverage. CHIP also covers pregnant mother in some states.
About CHIP
Coverage provided by CHIP depends on the state you are living at. But the comprehensive coverage includes:
Emergency service;
Service of laboratory and x-ray;
Hospital care for both inpatient and outpatient;
Dental and vision health;
Doctor visit;
And routine check-up.
States will give you more benefits but it depends on the state you live. So, it is better if you call the agent directly to see whether or not your kids are eligible for this coverage. Besides, you also need to make sure about the benefits available in your state.
Besides CHIP, there are two other insurance plans specifically designed for children. Short-term health insurance plan is also affordable but the coverage is only temporary, as its name suggests. Also, Major Medical plans from ACA compliant can be considered as well. You can purchase it from the government or private exchange.
Each of plans we have mentioned above will be best if you apply it on different circumstance. If you find the difficulty to determine which one you should choose, you can contact the Agent Finder or just call the agent of Blue Cross Blue Shield child only health insurance.